Stages of child development

Majority of the learning and psychological development of a person happen between the age of 3 to 15. We at Innovious understand the development process and have broken down it in stages, which is infact backed by the new education policy 2019 draft by government. Our adaptive curriculum is segregated into sections as per the sub-division in the school to impart the exact learning outcomes.

Pre-School (Nursery, Junior KG and Senior KG):

Skills: Gross and fine motor skills (walking, jumping, holding a pen/pencil, gripping, etc), cognitive development (pretend play, understand actions and words, differentiate between toys, etc), Language, Emotion and Hygiene

Junior school (1st to 4th):

Skills: General IQ, ability to understand and comprehend written text, attention and focus, solve puzzles, hobbies

Middle school (5th to 8th):

Skills: Emotional IQ, complex social interactions involving lot of people, ability to explore, books and music

Senior School (9th to 12th):

Skills: Leadership, academic excellence, physical well-being, abstract thinking ability

Teacher training program

The building block of any school are its teachers. Teachers at Innovious are expected and trained to inspire people around them. At Innovious, we heavily invest in teacher training programs which include seminars, workshops and school visits. Staff members at Innovious Academy are promoted to become coordinators of sections in rotation.  Teachers at Innovious believe in school’s philosophy and understands that teaching isn’t just about unidirectional flow of information but a multi-directional form of effective communication. 

  • Teachers are the role models of students and brand ambassador of Innovious Academy
  • Teachers are good managers, excellent planners and executors, encourage free flow of ideas and are open to deploy necessary learning strategies in the classrooms